
Thursday 20 September 2018

Angular 5 Command and common npm packages

Step by Step to create Angular 5 application::

 note: Type command in visual studio code software or command prompt

1) Download Node :
download visual studio code s/w (to coding)


2) To check the version of node or npm :

=> ng -v (to check angular version)
=> node -v (check version of node)
=> npm -v


3) Create Angular App

Open CMD >>

=> cd E:
=> ng new StudentMgmt (it create new project with npm module)

if npm not installed on your project then follow steps
=> cd e:/StudentMgmt
=> npm install
=> npm install @angular/cli -g
=> npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest


4) To upgrade npm
=> run: npm install npm@latest -g


5) To create module ::
=> ng g m app-demo (it will create new module)

To create Component ::
=> ng g c ComponentName (it will create new component with folder)

To create Service ::
=> ng g s servicename
=> ng g s servicename --flat

To create auth Guard
=> ng g guard guardname


6) To build & run project ::

=> ng build
=> ng serve --o --port 4200

To Build in production ::
> ng build --prod --aot


Terminate execution ::
press Ctrl + c


To install Bootstrap ::

=> npm install bootstrap --save
=> npm install bootstrap@next --save (for latest)
=> npm install ngx-bootstrap --save
=> npm install bootstrap ngx-bootstrap --save = for modal popup


To update angular 5 to 6::

1) new foder create
2) run command :: npm install @angular/cli -g
3) ng new projectnm

Update available 5.5.1 = 6.2.0
Run npm i -g npm to update 


Thursday 18 May 2017

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